Issues — Myths and Stereotypes

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Is It Antifeminist to Care about Your Appearance?

In a blog at the Daily Mail, psychologist and author Vivian Diller writes about the experiences of midlife women who are wrestling with what she calls the “beauty paradox.” Feminists say looks don't matter, but the media say we must strive to maintain our youthful appearances. How do we bridge the gap?


Discrimination Hurts at Any Age

When more than 6,000 older adults were asked whether they’d experienced discrimination, 63 percent said yes. The prejudice most often reported was ageism. In this New Old Age blog at the New York Times, Paula Span describes the negative tolls of everyday discrimination, from poor health and depression to general stress.


Calling for Death for Those 69 and Older—Really?

In a Post 50 blog at Huffington Post Ann Brenoff describes a study of publicly accessible Facebook groups focused on older people. It revealed that 75 percent of the sites “vilified” elders and a few called for executing them. Researchers led by Yale University psychologist Becca Levy found that, while Facebook policy forbids hate speech against certain groups, ageist speech is not banned.


The Apocalyptic Vision of Aging

We don’t like older people—except when they’re related to us, gerontologist Lillian Zimmerman observes in Toronto’s Globe and Mail. In a feature article as timely in the United States as it is in Canada, Zimmerman disputes the apocalyptic view that elders are about to become an overwhelming economic burden.


What’s Wrong with Your Body?

Culture critic Margaret Morganroth Gullette, author of Agewise: Fighting the New Ageism in America (2011), notes that many older women hate their bodies. In this thoughtful WIMN's Voices blog, she asks: Is this because of aging or ageism? You decide.


Wanted: More Veteran Journalists

In this heartfelt and still relevant column written for the New York Times Magazine in 1998, Pulitzer-Prize winner Max Frankel objects to the way the media have banished older journalists and the concerns of elders.


Prejudice Can Be Deadly

In this Washington Post column, Abigail Trafford argues that we need to confront our fears and prejudices about aging. She challenges the stigmas attached to mental illness, suicide and growing older.


An Overdose of Independence?

In her July 3, 2009 syndicated column, “Happy Interdependence Day," Ellen Goodman questions America’s passion for independence. As a society and as individuals, she writes, we are woefully unprepared for the reality that many of us will spend years caring for older family members.


Life Can Begin at 70—But It Seldom Does

This incisive (and still timely) 1993 Philadelphia Inquirer feature praises the Philadelphia Orchestra for hiring a 70-year-old music director and ponders why those beyond the Social Security retirement age are expected to bow out of public life.


Frail Old Age May Be the Last Taboo

Howard Gleckman, author of Caring for Our Parents (2009), writes about the American failure to plan for long-term care in this article from Kaiser Health News.


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Our Mission

The Silver Century Foundation promotes a positive view of aging. The Foundation challenges entrenched and harmful stereotypes, encourages dialogue between generations, advocates planning for the second half of life, and raises awareness to educate and inspire everyone to live long, healthy, empowered lives.

Notable Quote

"It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment; in these qualities old age is usually not poorer, but is even richer."

Cicero (106-43 BC)